Armonizzare l'atmosfera

Silente ascolto tutte le emozioni e i ricordi di un giorno come …

Dumbledore ,

listening all the emotions and memories of a day like many other days

Memories I am going to give to the oniric Orpheus .

These will erase them or will turn all into desires or inexpressible groans .

Life is a countdown to an infinite that we cannot even imagine .

Some sincere love peppered with true contrition
opens an eternity of always new joy.

The rationality of the real world
soon it will surrender to the ego whims
but not for a long time.

In a few hours
if I will hear the annoying sound of an alarm clock
I will understand that there is still time .

Time to live
to suffer
to love
to hope
to dream .

Otherwise I will have only one word in mind : mercy !

Versione in Italiano di Silente

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