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Constantan behavior Improved stability and performance of surface-modified Constantan wires

Constantan behavior Improved stability and performance of surface-modified Constantan wires

Constantan behavior

Ricevo e volentieri pubblico l’intervento dei ricercatori lenr sotto menzionati all’ICCF20 che si è tenuto in Giappone dal 2 al 7 di Ottobre del 2016.

Francesco Celani(1,2), G. Vassallo(2,3), E. Purchi(2), S. Fiorilla(2), F. Santandrea(2), L. Notargiacomo(2),        C. Lorenzetti(2), A. Calaon(2), B. Ortenzi(1), A. Spallone(1,2), M. Nakamura(2), A. Nuvoli(2), P. Cirilli(2), P. Boccanera(2), S. Pella(1)

1 INFN-LNF, Via E. Fermi 40, 00044 Frascati (RM)-Italy;
2 Int. Soc. for Cond. Mat. Nucl. Science (ISCMNS-UK); Via Cavour 26, 03013 Ferentino (FR)-Italy;
3 Depart. of Ind. and Dig. Innov., Univ. of Palermo – Viale delle Scienze 90128 Palermo (PA)-Italy.

Nella pagina a seguire l’abstract della pubblicazione che è consultabile nel pdf allegato in fondo

Costantana e Xenon

Accanto alla Costantana, il materiale preferito da Celani e da altri ricercatori per i loro lenr esperimenti viene fuori lo Xenon che di per se è un gas nobile che eccitato da scariche elettriche produce una luce azzurra.

Lo Xenon  non sempre si comporta da gas e da gas nobile, a pressioni assai elevate esiste anche allo stato metallico e pare avere una funzione da catalizzatore che non è tipica degli altri gas nobili.

Claudio Pace Venerdì 17 Febbraio 2017 su Constantan behavior

Constantan behavior[Abstract]

Since 2011, at INFN-LNF, we investigated the behavior of Constantan (Cst) alloy (Cu55Ni44Mn1; ISOTAN44) as concerns Hydrogen and/or Deuterium (H2/D2) absorption and generation of Anomalous Heat Excess (AHE) at High Temperatures (HT, i.e.>>200 °C). To further improve the intrinsic, excellent, catalytic proprieties of Cst toward H22H dissociation, surface underwent repeated cycling of “flash” oxidation (pulsed power up to 20 kVA/g), obtaining sub-micrometric particles at mixed composition (Cst-NiOx-CuOy-CuxNiyOz) and reducing deleterious self-sintering problems of nano-materials at HT. Despite results on thin (=200 m)-long (l=100 cm) wires were generally positive and excess power (10-20%) was frequently recorded (5-10 W at 50 W input), reproducibility remained yet unsatisfactory.

Later on, we realized that Fe impurities (up-to 1% into old, pre-1970 batch of Cst) enhanced AHE generation, especially at T>500 °C. Since 2014, we added Fe(NO3)3 solutions both at the Cst sub-micrometric surfaces (during flash oxidations process), and at borosilicate glassy sheaths (SIGI-Fabier; micrometric fibers, previously wetted-dried with Sr(NO3)2 solution) where wires were inserted (electrical insulation reasons).


Recently, we adopted the methodology to make several knots along wires (holes 150-200 m), later coated multiple times with iron solution. Successively, we introduced Potassium in the solution (known as a promoter of iron catalytic performances) and, eventually, Manganese to prevent/decrease Potassium evaporation. H+ electro-migration, due to large current (>2 A) flowing along the Cst wires as well as to high magnetic fields at the center of the knots and on Fe micro-particles (absorbing H at HT) deposited inside micro-holes of Cst, is supposed to play a role in AHE.

The cylindrical thick-glass wall reactor had a volume of 250 cc; operating  pressures were 0.1-3 bar; gas used were He (calibration), D2, pure or mixed with Xe (ultra-low thermal – conducting gas). Differently from previous experiments, we employed only D2 and not H2.


The 3 wires we used were: Pt for calibration purposes and “indirect heating” of Cst wires, Cst with 41 and 71 knots. Input power range was 10-90 W. Up to now we have observed that the AHE, measured at the external wall of the reactor, reached the largest values (over 85 W, by comparison/extrapolation with Pt under He, isoperibolic procedure) when the highest input power (90 W) was applied to the 71-knots Cst in D2 mixed with Xe.

Further work is necessary to evaluate effects of: I versus J, numbers of knots, gas mixtures, temperature (including electron emission from SrO: inspired by Iwamura’s experiments, Richardson-law).




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